Garden at Sainte-Adresse, 1867 |
Details |
Description |
Artist |
Monet, Oscar-Claude |
Sun and sea breeze are the themes of this sparkling painting, and the four human figures enhance the effect by suggesting their sensuous experience of both. The man seated in relaxed enjoyment in the foreground is said to be the artist’s father. A stiff, salt wind snaps the flags, agitates the surface of the water, carries the smoke along the far horizon, and sways the shafts of red gladiolus. Rewald has observed that in this paintingMonetmade extensive use of unmixed colours – reds and yellows are especially prominent – and that in various palaces he dotted the canvas with short, small strokes in a desire to reproduce textures as well as vibrations of light. These devices, however, which will later characterise entire paintings are here confined to small areas of the picture, which shows as well large, quiet stretches of subtle, light tone or violet shadow.
Date |
1867 |
Institution |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Medium |
Oil on canvas |
Dimensions |
98.1cm *129.9cm |